Saturday, May 24, 2008

Relief? I don't think so.

Mid-year's finally over. At last. Logically, this means that I should be happy. Ironically though I am feeling rather depressed at the moment, which is really stupid because I want to be able to enjoy this short snippet of freedom, this holiday which would probably be the only one I'd be able to lie around guiltlessly doing whatever I wanted, but no, my parents want me to STUDY. FULL TIME. EVERYDAY. The only time off I'd get would be this weekend, which really isn't enough considering the fact that I'd been making my brain go into overdrive for over month and a half. And I suspect this atrocity to be the main source of my depression. My mom even made me do a bloody timetable, not for the holidays but for normal school days, and I find this absurd because it's not like I'm even going to bother following it.

Well anyway today I watched Speed Racer at the Curve with Kevin, Khairin and Shen Deng. It's a pretty good movie, with a decent storyline and especially fantastic special effects. Oh and there's plenty of racing action too, and being a car nut I'd say those were the best parts.

I checked out the new Bentley headquarters yesterday and god that place is like guitar heaven man!!!! They have an entire room for each brand of guitars, a nice
big room full of basses and another room for drums. I found the room where all the Ibanez guitars were and started drooling immediately. They have almost all the Ibanez models, even the hollow body ones! So I tried out all the models I'd shortlisted that were available there and was pretty much satisfied with most of them - typical exceptional playability from Ibanez coupled with drop-dead good looks. Unfortunately though the gorgeous limited-edition Sakura model wasn't there and apparently if I wanted to order it I'd have to wait a few months. I'll check its availability with The Guitar Store first though before deciding on anything else. Then I found this semi-acoustic hollow body electric guitar, picked it up, plugged it in and fell in love with it immediately. The clean sound is fantastic and it's really warm and mellow which makes it perfect for blues, something I'm really into. Even when I go heavy there's still a nice sort of warmth to it, and this sort of warmth is something you just can't get when you use a solid body electric. It's got a great colour and a nice feel to it too. I really like this one, and at RM1550 a pop before discount it's reasonably priced, but the problem is that it's not so good for speed picking, which is understandable because it's not designed to be a metal axe. So now I'm up my arse trying to decide between one of the guitars I'd already shortlisted, this, or this and a cheaper solid body guitar. Or maybe I should just get a Fender if I can afford one. But anyway here it is, so let me know what you think!

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