Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Bloody peanuts

Ah. The worst of the exams is over. By this I am of course referring to Paper One of BM, the one where you have to write ridiculously long essays, the one paper that I always dread no matter how hard the other papers are. I don't like writing BM essays at all, and though it might be easier than Paper Two, it is a lot more tedious to write all that stuff first thing in the morning, when my brain still hasn't woken up. I do enjoy writing English essays though, but unfortunately the standard of English here is ridiculously low and because we aren't required to write a lot they only give us an hour, which isn't nearly long enough if you want to write a nice long essay. Oh well. I've got Mod Maths tomorrow, but that one is pie, so I really should be studying for Physics.

I've got a bit of a stomach ache now, and it was worse a few hours ago, so I've been wallowing in agony since the end of the last paper. At least my stomach was considerate enough to wait till the end of the exam before it decided to give me hell. So how did I get my stomach to hurt so badly? I thought about this, and after much pondering I decided that it must be the peanuts. You see, during recess when everyone else in my class was busy studying I went down to get something to eat, because I had to eat. So then I got myself a packet of nasi lemak and while I was busy munching on the peanuts I thought one of them tasted rather weird. No wait, it tasted awful, and I did think that there was something wrong with the peanut, but I just brushed it off as it was just a tiny, insignificant peanut. What harm could it do? A lot, as I found out later. Something really should be done about the canteen food's health standards, and more importantly, the obscenely high prices. They've even introduced little sushi boxes that go for ten bucks a pop. This is not excessively high pricing, this is grand theft. And it's not like you'd even be full after having one of those. Of course we can try boycotting the canteen, but let's be realistic - how many people would go through the trouble of getting food outside or worse, not eating? I know I wouldn't.

So anyway after school my mom made me take a nap because I only got three hours of sleep the night before, after which I lugged myself and my still aching stomach to the gym. So then I thought about what I'd be able to do there with a stomach hell bent on getting revenge for the poisoned peanut I fed it. And then it struck me. The thread mill. Yes it sounds insane, but I got onto it and started walking anyway. The pain was almost excruciating initially, and then I started running, and when I was done, the pain was gone. Amazing eh? It was my eyes that got tortured then though, because I could only look in front I had to put up with the flabby rear end of some middle aged woman, bouncing up and down as she jogged. Entertainment indeed. Unfortunately, my stomach started hurting after I was done with dinner. Oh well oh well oh well. I think I shall study Physics now. Yes that's what I'll do.

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