Thursday, August 14, 2008

Temporary freedom

Trials are finally over!!! This of course gives us a reason for temporary celebration, and I say temporary because the real thing has yet to come. Now I know that many of you will be enjoying yourself during the coming holidays, but I, however happen to be less fortunate. Why? My parents are taking this term break as a chance for me to 'catch up on my studies'. It's outrageous I'm telling you, the way they're treating me like some kinda machine. As it is my brain's already been in overdrive for the past month or so, and they're only letting me off for these few days. Of course studying is necessary, no question about that, but I'm supposed to go into 'full force'. My brain might just burst. I'm still allowed to go out though, but only if I've studied enough. My mom refused to let me off add math tuition after bio even though I was dead tired. Ridiculous. Overall though I think this exam went pretty much okay. Even bio wasn't that bad. Might be able to pull of an A.

On another note, I'm sick of the way my parents keep stereotyping certain things. Like cyber cafes. I swear, the way they keep going on about how unsafe they are every time I want to go to one is going to drive me insane. Yes, certain cyber cafes are best left alone, but I think the one in Dataran Sunway's okay. You have absolutely no idea what I had to say to get them to let me go in after EST today. Of course I can just go there and tell 'em I'm somewhere else, but I happen to be an exceptionally bad liar when it comes to my mom. It's like she's got some sort of built-in lie detector and a radar that knows where I am all of the time. And the thing's she'd do if I get caught being somewhere I'm not supposed to be.
It's crazy I'm telling ya.

Anyway our annual patriotic run and merdeka carnival's taking place tomorrow, and this time I'm gonna try and get a spot in the top twenty, just so I can get another medal to stick in the pathetic sports section of my testimonial. I've been training too, around my house almost every evening. Learned how to control my stamina and breath properly while I was at it. Reduced my overall time by about 2 minutes. I just need to be able to physically push myself to the limit tomorrow, something I also happen to be rather incapable of. Most of the time anyway.

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