Saturday, March 8, 2008

Bass Nuts Only

Ok so i just got a new bass teacher, and i hope this one stays coz he's pretty good. Can't remember his name though...

My first teacher was probably the best that I'd ever get, but that's the problem: he's so good that he's always got gigs and couldnt make it for half our lessons, and so decided to leave. He's Estranged's ex-bassist btw. My second teacher only stayed for three lessons coz he was gonna teach somewhere else, but he wasnt bad either. Taught me a different way of slapping.

So anyways I'm now a bit better at slapping and popping, and my new teacher taught me this nice funk riff from Jamiroquai, though my index finger's sore from all that popping and there's a bloody blister on it now so i cant pop till its gone...

On a different note, I wish they'd bring Rickenbacker basses here...they have the same vintage design as earlier vintage models. And the tone, ohmygod the tone...nothing else sounds like a Rickenbacker, the warm underlying lows with that signature mid-range punch...Franz Ferdinand's Bob Hardy uses a 60's 4000 series as his main axe and THAT is what gives the band their signature sound, or tone, or feel, or whatever you wanna call it. To sum it all up: I want one.

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