Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Ahh...the holidays are here...nothing to be happy about though as finals are in slightly over a month which means that i should be using this time to study, though i haven't started yet and i'm feeling thoroughly guilty and useless about it. Blame it on the HP books because i can't seem to put them down...xD

Anyway i have resolved to get my bass by friday as that is when my bass lessons start. Estranged's ex-bassist, Ken will t
eaching me and that guy is a damn chunted bassist...xD I am currently having trouble deciding between two excellent basses, the Yamaha BB 614 and the Ibanez ATK 300. The ATK has a really punchy sound that i've never managed to get on any other bass i've tried(probably why ATK is short for Attack), a smaller body which means that it's slightly easier to play while sitting down, a unique triple coil pickup and cool vintage styling. From here the Ibanez would seem to be the obvious winner, but then it wouldn't be a fair test as i have not managed to test both basses with the same amp because they were in two different stores(they gave me an awesome SWR stack for this, while the yamaha only got a combo), which is what i'm trying to do now. The Yamaha of course fights back with a deeper and warmer low end, two pickups(split pole neck and soapbar bridge) and nicer looks(though these matter last). Fortunately i've decided on the amp: a 30 Watt Laney Richter bass amp, though i'd most probably go for the yamaha.
Yamaha BB 614Ibanez ATK 300

Pretty, aren't they? Pls comment on which bass you prefer...xD

1 comment:

tygrisskisa said...

i prefer the yamaha.
the fiery tones that ibanez has just doesnt go with me.